Friday, October 24, 2014

Technology Article 10/24/24

Nike and Apple Working on Stylish Technology to Wear.  

Nike FuelBand SE review
Nike and Apple combined their powers and created a new Bracelet! It is called a Fuel Band fitness-tracking Bracelet. This brand new bracelet tracks your steps and the calories you have lost from that day came out in 2006. Ever since then they have been making changes to make it better and will soon release a new one.      

Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3 Technology Article


Most Robots are powered by electric motors that are bulky, heavy and break easily.  When they break and you choose to replace them it would coast a lot of money.  Animals on the other hand use a biological motor which is a muscle motor. 
 This new motor also requires electricity but is much more efficient then the regular robot. We are beginning to find new ways to create this tiny little bio-bot that uses muscles cells to walk. These Bio-Bots will change our future.